

I'm Alicia, a cat-loving, crazy-cooking girl from Brussels, Belgium. I hope you enjoy my blog! If you have any questions, do contact me!
I also love tea so don't hesitate to check out my tea tales ;)

Simple Dim Sum recipe

Simple Dim Sum recipe

I love love love dim sum but because of quarantine, we are all just stuck inside and going out for a bite is not happening. Unfortunately I do not believe in take-out dim sum so I decided to make my own this time.

And boy it turned out great!

Quick tip before you start- you can roll the wonton wrappers out by hand but I do find that a pasta roller is a huge help to get it thin enough!

Or you can just buy them frozen ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Image from iOS (42).jpg

What do you need?


200g flour

150g (yes grams haha) boiling water

Some salt


250g minced meat (I use mix of pork and veal)

I finely chop (or use my food processor mini to blitz together):

  • 1 medium to small onion or 2 spring onions

  • 2 cloves of garlic

  • 1 thumb sized piece of fresh ginger

  • 5-6 water chestnuts (available from Asian stores) - optional

I also add 1 tsp each of 

rice vinegar

Soy sauce

What do you need to do?

For the dough:

Mix together in a stand mixer with the dough hook or by hand with a wooden spoon until dough forms. Wrap and put to the side for 30mins

For the filling:

Mix everything together with a fork in a bowl and leave in the fridge until your dough is ready.

Putting it together:

Roll out the dough as thin as you can and cut into squares.

Place filling in the middle (about a teaspoon).

Fold however you like to (YouTube has lots of tutorials but you can just fold into a little “bag” looking dim sum!)

Steam for 15-20mins depending on the size (I go for around 17 to be sure) - I use a steam basket like the Chinese do over a boiling pot of water.

Same recipe, different fold.

Same recipe, different fold.

And done! Serve immediately.

Dip in some sweet chilli sauce or soy. There are also plenty of delicious sauces to make yourself or to buy from the Asian supermarket. Enjoy! :)

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